New charts


Butterflies Galore and At First Sight

As Heaven and Earth Designs are having an Easter sale, I couldn’t resist acquiring two new charts to add to my growing stash. HAED have some of the most beautiful designs I’ve ever seen, but they’re very detailed, so I have been a little wary of trying to tackle any of their projects. Still, when designs are a beautiful as this, who can keep from giving them a try?

Seeing as how I’ve never tried anything so complex (they use so many different colours!), I decided that smaller projects would probably be best to start with, so I settled on these two charts that have a lovely array of colours and a fine challenge, but aren’t too big.

The first is the Butterflies Galore Storykeep (bookmark), which is a small segment of a larger design by Jasmine Becket Griffith. The Gothic appearance of the girl and the jewel colours of the butterflies made this one completely irresistible to me!

The second is a so-called Peek-A-Boo, which is a segment of a larger piece that features the eyes or an eye. I chose At First Sight by Linda Tso as the delicate look of the girl’s face and the soft, smiling lips drew me in. The beautiful brown eye looks so inviting!

So, although it will be a while before I can get to these designs (due to other, more pressing projects), I am very much looking forward to my first HAED projects!


Filed under Bookmarks, Stash

2 responses to “New charts

  1. When you get to working on these beautiful projects check out the blog Our Friends HAED SAL. The membership is full right now — but you can pick up lots of useful tips on ‘how’ to stitch these complicated designs. Your storykeep has lots of pretty colors and they are all very separated so it probably won’t be very difficult, but that gorgeous face is one I would definitely “grid” before I started. Gridding that fabric will make it about 10 times easier to stitch because in most of it your colors are all going to be so close.

  2. Thanks for the tips. 🙂

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