Cards for Charity

Project: Cards for Charity – TOFS
Started: 06.05.09
Finished: 08.05.09

At The Cross Stitch Forum, a cards for charity drive is a regular thing and this time round it was the turn of the TOFS charity (Tracheo Oesophageal Fistula with an Oesophageal Atresia – TOFS/OA for short). I’ve never done cards before, but this is a worthy cause and I am always up for a challenge. Since these could be quick projects, I promised to do four of them. I settled on two designs to be done in two different colour schemes. The first one is a slight variation on a design I found on My Aunt’s Attic, the other was a random free chart I had found on the internet and liked (I added the lettering and the “bounce marks”), but I can’t remember where (if anyone recognises the design, please let me know so I can credit it!).

The pink and blue cards are stitched on white 12-count aida – the pink one is in Anchor 1335 variegated with peach and blue beads, and the blue is in Anchor 1375 variegated with blue and yellow-green beads. The green and orange frog cards are stitched on cream 16-count aida with flosses I got free on a magazine, so I don’t know what make they are, but the green card features a frog in light and dark green, whereas the orange card has an orange and purple frog (I thought I’d experiment and be a little exotic with that one!).

Personally, I think they turned out quite well and I will certainly be making more cards in the future, both for charity drives and for personal use.


Filed under Cards, Charity

2 responses to “Cards for Charity

  1. claire93

    your cards are great fun – lovely bright colours and I’m sure they’ll go down a treat at the charity sale !

  2. Pingback: Totally Useless Stitch-Along « In Stitches

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